Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA", Kyiv
The desire to have a child is one of the most sacred for any family, especially for women. The happiness that a baby brings to its parents, its first steps and smile, words and achievements fill our lives with meaning. Unfortunately, today's world statistics show that most couples of mature age have difficulties with having a baby and cannot get pregnant during the first year of attempts. The age at which a couple may have fertility pro...
  • Segmentation Protocol Programme
    1375 €
  • Transport Programme
    1335 €
  • Insemination with donor sperm (ISD)
    740 €
  • Thawing of cryopreserved embryos / oocytes
    210 €
  • Reproductive consultation (comprehensive consultation of a leading reproductive specialist, geneticist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, embryologist, etc.)
    89 €
Parents and a newborn at the Gryshchenko fertility clinic
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko, Kharkiv
When we create a family, we plan to become not just spouses, but also a mom and a dad. Unfortunately, the miracle of having children does not always happen. Statistically, one in ten couples in the world faces the problem of infertility. Does this mean that they will never become parents? Fortunately not. Infertility, both male and female, can be cured. The clinic for Reproductive Medicine named after academician V.I. Gryshch...
  • Online consultation by a reproductive specialist
    12 €
  • Surrogacy service
    38500 €
  • Become a surrogate
    12000 €
  • Become an oocyte (egg) donor
    969 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Intense"
    2183 €
Signboard of the A-Medical.Pro clinic in Kharkiv
Medical Center "A-Medical.Pro", Kharkiv
Medical Center «A-Medical.Pro» – is your reliable friend in taking care of your health. Our clinic is located in Kharkiv, one of the largest cities in Ukraine, and provides a wide range of high quality medical services. We are proud to offer our patients access to advanced treatments and services that meet international standards.
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    14 €
  • Repeated gynecological consultation
    13 €
  • Vacuum abortion (mini-abortion)
    167 €
  • Medical abortion
    107 €
  • Installation of an IUD (intrauterine device)
    43 €
Hall of "Expert" Hospital Lviv Ukraine
"Expert" Hospital, Lviv
"Expert" Hospital is a new highly specialized hospital, which provides comprehensive medical services with the provision of modern and quality medical care in the center of Lviv. Our hospital offers new standards of treatment and patient care based on impeccable service and safety. Our goal is to create a new image of modern private medicine in Lviv by introducing unified standards of treatment. We value each patient who entrusted...
  • Uterine tubal plasty
    805 €
  • Medical interruption of pregnancy up to 6 weeks
    136 €
  • Online gynecologist consultation
    13 €
  • Vacuum abortion (gynecologist examination, 2 ultrasounds, sedation, procedure included)
    355 €
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    13 €
Reception in the Gryshchenko Clinic Lviv Ukraine
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko Lviv, Lviv
In April 2022, the Academician V. Gryshchenko Clinic opened a branch in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. The opening of such a comprehensive reproductive medical center opens up many opportunities for Lviv residents and guests of the city. Gryshchenko Clinic is considered one of the strongest and most advanced medical institutions in Ukraine, which deals with the problems of conception and infertility. The history of the clinic began in the 80s o...
  • Spermogram of andrology
    10 €
  • Complex "First acquaintance" (initial consultation of a reproductive specialist with ultrasound)
    17 €
  • Repeated consultation with a reproductive specialist
    11 €
  • Online consultation by a reproductive specialist
    12 €
  • First reproductologist consultation
    12 €
Facade of the ARTKLINIK building in Lviv Ukraine
Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK", Lviv
«ARTKLINIK» – is not just a medical center, it is a research laboratory of reproductive health, where advanced technologies are combined with years of experience of our specialists. Located in Lviv, this clinic helps couples from all over Ukraine and abroad to overcome reproductive problems and have a baby.
  • PGD - 5 (preimplantation genetic screening by FISH on 5 chromosomes (13, 18, 21, X, Y), the number of embryos not more than 6, without blastocyst / blastomere biopsy)
    1900 €
  • PGD - 9 (preimplantation genetic screening by FISH on 9 chromosomes (13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X, Y) number of embryos not more than 6, without blastocyst / blastomere biopsy)
    2200 €
  • Online consultation by a reproductive specialist
    55 €
  • Primary consultation by a reproductive specialist of the highest category
    60 €
  • Consultation of a reproductive specialist + ultrasound of the pelvic organs
    90 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport


Within a year, 30% of couples become pregnant within three months, 60% within seven months, and the rest within a year. Based on this, a year is considered the time frame for the Reproductology assessment of a couple's fertility.

If there is no pregnancy, the couple should consult a fertility doctor about infertility. Reproductology is a field of medicine that deals with the study of normal human reproductive function and its pathological conditions which lead to infertility.

Appointment with a reproductologist

A doctor of reproductology is most often consulted by couples suffering from infertility. However, the specialist's activity spans a wider range: from prevention, diagnostics and treatment of infertility without the use of ART to the use of assisted reproductive technologies. The preventive work of the doctor of reproductology (together with pediatricians) consists in timely detection of pathology in adolescents, which may lead to infertility in reproductive age. The doctor deals with menstrual cycle disorders, pregnancy failure, toxicosis of pregnancy.

Come to see a reproductologist always in pairs - husband and wife. If the examinations have been carried out earlier, the results should be taken to a specialist for consultation. Reproductologist's work with a couple who come for an appointment regarding infertility begins with identifying the causes of infertility.

Since reproductology combines sections of gynecology, andrology and endocrinology, treatment is carried out in conjunction with these specialists. In some cases it is possible to treat infertility and in some cases to overcome infertility. As a result of treatment, patients (male or female) regain their fertility. This can be restoration of the patency of the fallopian tubes and the seminal tracts by surgery or surgical treatment of the varicocele.

To overcome infertility, reproductology uses medical technology that results in the couple having children, but infertility is not eliminated. In this case, the reproductologist uses assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI) most effective in a particular situation. The success of a reproductologist's work is ensured through the coordinated action and professionalism of other specialists: obstetricians-gynecologists, andrologists, embryologists, geneticists. Therefore, when planning reproductive technologies, an embryologist and geneticist as well as a reproductive surgeon must be consulted. Preparing the couple for treatment, the doctor also conducts psychotherapeutic adjustments.

Doctors See all doctors

Gryshchenko Nikolay Grigorievich
Gryshchenko Nikolay Grigorievich, Kharkiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko

Gryshchenko Nikolay Grigorievich dedicates his research and practical activity to the problems of reproductive health. This choice is conditioned by the desire to continue the work of four generations of obstetricians-gynecologists of the medical dynasty of the Gryshchenko family, the work of the outstanding scientist Valentin Ivanovich Gryshchenko.

  • Fertiloscopy diagnostic
    320 €
  • Micro TESE
    755 €
  • Pre IVF screening
    350 €
  • Donor sperm insemination (class A)
    220 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Intense"
    2475 €
Parashchuk Valentin Yuryevich
Parashchuk Valentin Yuryevich, Kharkiv
Chief physician, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko

Specialization: treatment of all types of female infertility, ultrasonic diagnostics of female genitalia, operative gynecology.


  • Laparoscopy, hysterectomy
    635 €
  • Provision of donor oocytes for IVF (vitrified)
    955 €
  • Provision of donor oocytes for IVF (fresh)
    1530 €
  • In Vitro Fertilization (no ICSI, no medications)
    840 €
  • In Vitro Fertilization (with ICSI, no medications)
    1090 €
Drogovoz Ekaterina  Vladimirovna
Drogovoz Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Kharkiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics, doctor of cervical pathology office.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko

Specialization: treatment of all types of female infertility, ultrasonic diagnostics of pelvic organs, breast and thyroid glands. Treatment of cervical pathology.

  • Vaginoplasty
    455 €
  • Laparotomy uterine extirpation (increased complexity)
    755 €
  • Pelvic peritoneal colpopoiesis with laparoscopic assistance
    455 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Optimal"
    2345 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Basic"
    1815 €
Blazhko Julia Sergeevna
Blazhko Julia Sergeevna, Kharkiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko

Specialization: diagnostics and treatment of infertility, ultrasonic diagnostics of pelvic organs, breast and thyroid glands, colposcopy, endoscopic surgeries.

  • Fertiloscopy diagnostic
    320 €
  • Micro TESE
    755 €
  • Pre IVF screening
    350 €
  • Donor sperm insemination (class A)
    220 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Intense"
    2475 €
Kolomiets Yuri Vladimirovich
Kolomiets Yuri Vladimirovich, Kharkiv
Chief physician of the Dneprovskiy affiliate, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko

Specialization: treatment of all types of infertility, women's reproductive ultrasonic diagnostics, treatment of gynecological diseases, operative gynecology.

  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Basic"
    1815 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Optimal"
    2345 €
  • Pelvic peritoneal colpopoiesis with laparoscopic assistance
    455 €
  • Laparotomy uterine extirpation (increased complexity)
    755 €
  • Vaginoplasty
    455 €

FAQ more

The clinics in our catalog were chosen based on the principle of the highest possible level of service, modern equipment and the opinion of independent doctors.

We tried to choose hotels that were in convenient locations so that it was easy to get to the airport or the clinic. But the first most important factor was, of course, comfort and the highest level of service.

There are many treatment centers in Ukraine where you can be treated for chronic care. The treatment period is about two or four weeks. Areas of treatment: osteopathy, gastroenterology, systemic diseases (including children), cardiology and many others.

Feedback from our clients

Nie bój się walczyć o swoje szczęście
W moim kraju obowiązują dziwne prawa. Kiedy kobieta nie chce mieć dziecka, nie wolno jej dokonać aborcji. I odwrotnie, gdy kobieta chce dziecka, ale nie może zajść w ciążę, nie wolno jej mieć dziecka! Kocham mój kraj, ale są pewne rzeczy, których nie mogę zrozumieć. Musiałam pojechać na Ukrainę, aby zostać matką. Moje dziecko urodziła surogatka. Nie ukrywałam tego przed nikim i mówiłam zawsze otwarcie!! Dziś ten temat to żadne TABU - tak wiele par ma problemy z zajściem w ciąże. Pozdrawiam WAS dziewczyny
Ewa Rydzewska (Gdańsk)
We're pregnant
My name is Nicole and I am from Portland, Oregon. My husband and I have been unable to conceive for 7 years. I was diagnosed with infertility and prescribed expensive treatments. My friend is from Ukraine and when I told her about the problems with health insurance coverage, she advised me to go to Kiev and get treatment there. My husband and I thought it was crazy. But after a couple of weeks we made up our minds. I contacted Dmitriy and he suggested several options for clinics after learning about my diagnosis. We chose Grischenko clinic. Our doctor Elena was very nice and tactful. Those were difficult days. Tests, examinations. My husband and I were tired, but it was not for nothing. We could not go through the whole course of treatment, we had to go home. The doctors met us and adjusted some of the procedures to our abilities. We flew home exhausted, but literally six months later we were able to get pregnant. Thank you.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko
Nicole Coleman (Portland, Oregon)
Владыкина - бриллиант!
Как только узнали про проблему, так сразу и к Владыкиной. Наталья Владимировна - это не врач, а волшебница! Подход у нее такой личный, словно ты единственный пациент. С нами сидела, все разжевала, какие шаги будем предпринимать. И вот, спустя пару месяцев лечения - положительный результат. Не верилось, глазам своим! Скажу так, если бы не она, то и счастья нашего сейчас не было бы. Владыкина - это шанс, который должен быть у каждой пары с такой проблемой. Рекомендую от всей души!
Валерия (NY, USA)
Jesteśmy zaskoczeni poziomem usług reprodukcyjnych na Ukrainie
Mam 42 lata i niestety, po dwóch nieudanych zabiegach in vitro w Warszawie, lekarz zalecił mi pogodzenie się z faktem, że nie będę mogła mieć dziecka. Byłam jednak gotowa zrobić wszystko, aby mieć swoje dziecko. Zacząłem przyglądać się klinikom repruduktologii w innych krajach. Dowiedziałem się, że na Ukrainie usługi repruduktologiczne są znacznie nowocześniejsze i wyższej jakości. We Lwowie zadzwoniłam do artklinik, lekarz rozmawiał ze mną po polsku i wysłał mi propozycję leczenia i technologii, w której nie potrzebowałabym komórki jajowej dawczyni. W Polsce nawet tego mi nie zaproponowano. Martwiłam się wojną na Ukrainie i tym, czy wyjazd będzie bezpieczny. Ale po przeczytaniu ponad 100 wiadomości zdałam sobie sprawę, że Lwów znajduje się blisko granicy z Polską i jest bezpiecznym miastem, ponieważ jest daleko od walk. Mój partner i ja pojechaliśmy samochodem, przejście graniczne było łatwe i bez kolejek. Szybko dotarliśmy do Lwowa, piękne miasto. Znaleźliśmy adres kliniki na mapie i już na nas czekali. Pierwsza wizyta była super, komunikacja super. Lekarze mówią płynnie po polsku. Wierzę, że wszystko się uda. Leczenie jeszcze przede mną, ale to co zobaczyłem na Ukrainie bardzo mile mnie zszokowało.
Kamila Lipka (Lublin)
Jesteśmy w ciąży
Mam na imię Nicole i pochodzę z Portland w stanie Oregon. Od 7 lat nie możemy z mężem począć dziecka. Zdiagnozowano u mnie niepłodność i przepisano mi kosztowne leczenie. Moja przyjaciółka pochodzi z Ukrainy i kiedy powiedziałam jej o problemach z ubezpieczeniem zdrowotnym, poradziła mi, żebym pojechała do Kijowa i tam się leczyła. Myśleliśmy z mężem, że to szaleństwo. Ale po kilku tygodniach zdecydowaliśmy się. Skontaktowałam się z Dmitrijem, który po zapoznaniu się z moją diagnozą zaproponował kilka możliwości klinik. Wybraliśmy klinikę Grischenko. Nasza lekarka Elena była bardzo miła i taktowna. To były trudne dni. Testy, badania. Byliśmy z mężem zmęczeni, ale to nie było na darmo. Nie mogliśmy przejść przez cały proces leczenia, musieliśmy wrócić do domu. Lekarze spotkali się z nami i dostosowali niektóre zabiegi do naszych możliwości. Wróciliśmy do domu zmęczeni, ale dosłownie pół roku później udało nam się zajść w ciążę. Dziękuję.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko
Nicole Coleman (Portland, Oregon)
Дякуємо за народження нашої донечки
Низький уклін Владикіній Наталії Володимирівні! Ви виріли в успіх нашого лікування, мабуть більше ніж ми самі! Після другої невдалої спроби ЕКЗ, ми опустили руки, однак Наталія Володимирівна, підтримувала нас та бачила шлях до успішного результату. За цей рік, Ви стали для нас, як рідна людина! Ми вдячні безмежно, за те, що допомогли здійснити нашу мрію, стати батьками нашої крихітки!
Клініка ЛІТА
Задорожна Юлія (Київ)


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